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Data Deletion Policy

At Resolve, we prioritize the secure and responsible handling of customer data on behalf of our integrators. Below is our data deletion policy to ensure transparency and compliance:

  1. Customer Data:
    • Through the Inventory Optimization Service, Resolve processes customer data on behalf of our integrators. This data is automatically deleted after a retention period of 365 days from the date of receipt.
  2. Resolve-Owned Metadata:
    • Metadata such as security logs generated by Resolve are retained for a maximum of 3 years from the date of the last recorded activity. These logs are then automatically deleted.
  3. Invoicing Data:
    • For invoicing purposes, Resolve uses pseudonymized customer IDs and logs detailing which endpoints were accessed by customers and when. Resolve acts as a processor for this pseudonymized data.
    • This invoicing data is retained indefinitely by Resolve to facilitate accurate billing and historical reference.

This policy ensures that while we maintain necessary operational data, we also adhere to strict data protection and privacy standards.