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Shift Layout Constraint

Soft constraint

Deprecated constraint

The Shift Layout Constraint is being deprecated in favour of the RestBetweenShiftsConstraint (we are extending it with time off in terms of days). You should no longer build a new integration with this constraint.

Specify a break duration between each assigned shift of a given ID, type, or work type. This constraint applies to employees independently, meaning that the break duration does not apply if different employees are assigned to the given shift.

See the payload example below to get started and check out the API reference for full configurability of the constraint.

Payload example

The following defines a desired break time of two days between each shift_1 shift assigned to any specific employee.

"shiftLayoutConstraints": [
"id": "slc-123",
"weight": 100,
"minDaysBetweenShifts": 2,
"shiftIds": ["shift_1"]
Shift Layout Constraint in the request payload
string (constraintId)

Unique identifier for the constraint.

integer (constraintWeightPositive) [ 0 .. 100 ]

DEPRECATED - Use importance instead.

integer >= 1

The minimum number of days between shifts indicated by shiftId or shiftTypeId.

Array of strings (constraintShiftIds) unique

If shiftIds are specified, shifts that has matching id are constrained.

Array of strings (constraintShiftTypeIds) unique

If shiftTypeIds are specified, shifts that has matching shiftType are constrained.

Array of strings (constraintWorkTypeIds) unique

If workTypeIds are specified, shifts that has matching workType are constrained.

Array of strings (constraintEmployeeIds) unique

List of employee ids for which the constraint applies. The employee ids must be present in the employee section. If not specified, the constraint will be applied to all employees.

object (constraintFairness)

DEPRECATED - Use FairnessConstraints instead.

  • "id": "string",
  • "weight": {
  • "minDaysBetweenShifts": 1,
  • "shiftIds": {
  • "shiftTypeIds": {
  • "workTypeIds": {
  • "employeeIds": {
  • "fairness": {