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Inventory Classification

Inventory classification is performed on all products in an end customer's (tenant) inventory. Make sure that all relevant datasets are uploaded and up-to-date before running the classification.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Determine the tenant and dataset(s) to run the classification job for.
  2. Set the date range for the data to base the classification on.
  3. Determine the ABC driver.
  4. Send a POST request to this endpoint, following the schema below.
    • The endpoint will return a jobId.
  5. Do one of the following...
    • Call GET /status with the tenantId and jobId in the header until the status is “success”.
    • Provide a webhook in the body of the POST request to receive a request when the job is finished running. See the Callbacks below for details about this request.
  6. If the job status is "success", send a GET request to the /inventory_classification_results endpoint with the jobId in the header to fetch the classification results.