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When training has successfully run for a dataset, everything is ready for generating predictions. The Inventory Optimization API offers two prediction processes, one asynchronous process and one synchronous. The async process (Create Prediction) is called when the client wants to generate both forecasts and purchase order suggestions for one or more datasets. When this process runs, the results are fetched through a separate endpoint, called Results.

However, in a human-in-the-loop AI purchase order process, the end-user will want to overwrite the forecasts if certain values are inaccurate and the user knows better. In this case, the purchase order suggestions will be updated, as the forecast is an important input to their calculation. Therefore, we have implemented the Real-Time Prediction endpoint, where clients can send in forecasts as input, and get updated purchase order suggestions in a few seconds. Note that the forecasts are provided by the client when calling the Real-Time Prediction endpoint.

The rest of this page outlines the details of running the two prediction processes; Create Prediction (async) and Real-Time Prediction (sync). The error messages that clients can encounter are outlined at the end.

Create Prediction

When running the prediction process asynchronously with Create Prediction, clients first start a job, wait for it to be done, then fetch the results from the Result endpoint.

Starting a Create Prediction Job

Calling the Create Prediction endpoint starts a prediction job. The prediction job generates forecasts and suggestions for each dataset defined in the payload. Each dataset's future demand is forecasted with its trained model. Then, the Product Replenishment Problem is solved with the forecast and planner parameters as input. These parameters are set in the payload of the request to the Create Prediction endpoint. See here for details about the Product Replenishment Problem and definitions of the parameters.

Example parameters for Create Prediction

An example of a set of input parameters for a Create Prediction job.

"datasetId": "f1c78da657c3",
"currentInventoryLevel": 20.0,
"wantedServiceLevel": 0.95,
"minimumInventory": 10.0,
"maximumInventory": 100.0,
"inventoryOrders": [
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-03-21",
"quantity": 15.0
"futureSalesOrders": [
"departureDate": "2024-03-22",
"quantity": 5.0
"replenishmentInterval": {
"value": 4,
"granularity": "W"
"supplier": {
"supplierId": "c7286ec361e7",
"leadTime": {
"value": 1,
"granularity": "W"
Create Prediction Parameters

The unique dataset ID (unique product) to run prediction for.

number >= 0

The current stock level in the inventory.

number [ 0.5 .. 0.99 ]

The planner's desired availability of the product, expressed as a percentage.

object (Supplier)

Information about a supplier of a product.

object (Planning Period)

The number of days, weeks, or months the replensihment should cover demand for. The planning period must be longer than the lead time. At least one of replenishmentInterval or planningPeriod must be set.

Array of objects (Inventory Orders)

Array with incoming inventory orders of the product.

Array of objects (Future Sales Orders)

Array with future sales orders of the product.

number >= 0

The minimum quantity of a product that the customer wants on stock. This field should only be set, if there are physical limitations to the minimum stock level.

number >= 0

The maximum quantity of a product that the customer wants on stock. This field should only be set, if there are physical limitations to the maximum stock level.

object (Replenishment Interval)

Will be outdated by the end of summer 2024 - use the planningPeriod field instead. The number of days, weeks, or months until the tenant will order the product again. At least one of replenishmentInterval or planningPeriod must be set. If both are given planningPeriod will be used and replenishmentInterval will be ignored.

  • {

Fetching Suggestions from Results

When the Create Prediction job has finished running, the results are fecthed from the Results endpoint. The below shows an example of suggestions returned from the API. The validDateInterval fields defines the start and end date for which the suggestions are valid. Note that the startDate defines the date we assume the user places the purchase order for the product. This is always equal to the current date. The endDate is the end of the planning period.

Example suggestions from Results

An example of suggestions from the Results endpoint.

"datasetId": "f1c78da657c3",
"supplierId": "c7286ec361e7",
"replenishmentSuggestion": {
"quantity": 45.0,
"validDateInterval": {
"startDate": "2024-03-20",
"endDate": "2024-04-10"
"safetyStockSuggestion": {
"quantity": 10.0,
"validDateInterval": {
"startDate": "2024-03-20",
"endDate": "2024-04-10"
"reorderPointSuggestion": {
"quantity": 20.0,
"validDateInterval": {
"startDate": "2024-03-20",
"endDate": "2024-04-10"
Replenishment Suggestion

The suggested quantity to order to cover planning period demand.

object (Valid Date Interval)

The date interval for which this suggestion is valid for.

  • "quantity": 0,
  • "validDateInterval": {
Safety Stock Suggestion

The suggested quantity to keep as safety stock.

object (Valid Date Interval)

The date interval for which this suggestion is valid for.

  • "quantity": 0,
  • "validDateInterval": {
Reorder Point Suggestion

The suggested inventory level at which to trigger a purchase order.

object (Valid Date Interval)

The date interval for which this suggestion is valid for.

  • "quantity": 0,
  • "validDateInterval": {

Fetching Forecasts and Historical Data from Results

The forecast and historical data that was used to generate these are also fetched from the Results endpoint after the prediction process has run. The returned historical sales data is simply the given sales data aggregated in the same granularity as the returned forecast. This is determined by the frequency parameter set when the Start Trainer endpoint was called to find the best model for this dataset.

Example forecast from Results

An example of parts of a forecast and historical data from the Results endpoint.

"forecast": [
"date": "2024-03-18",
"predictedQuantity": 50.0,
"predictedSeason": 23.33,
"predictedTrend": 16.67,
"predictedNoise": 20.0,
"lowerQuantity": 30.0,
"upperQuantity": 70.0,
"historicalData": [
"date": "2024-02-16",
"quantity": 40.0
"date": "2024-01-14",
"quantity": 30.0

The date of a forecast data point.


The quantity of the product forecasted to be sold at the given date.


The part of the forecast that originates from the season.


The part of the forecast that originates from the trend.


The part of the forecast that originates from the noise.


The lower bound of the forecast interval for the forecasted quantity.


The upper bound of the forecast interval for the forecasted quantity.

  • {
Historical Data

The date of the historical sales data point.

Date will be in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

number >= 0

The quantity of the product sold at the given date.

  • {

Step-by-step instructions: Create Prediction

  1. Determine the tenant and dataset(s) to create predictions for.
  2. Create the parametersArray with parameters for each dataset.
  3. Send a POST request to /create_prediction following the schema in the API reference. - The endpoint will return a jobId.
  4. Do one of the following...
    • Call GET /status with the tenantId and jobId in the header until the status is “success”.
    • Provide a webhook in the body of the PUT request in step 3 to receive a request when the job is finished running.
  5. If the job status is "success", send a GET request to the /result endpoint with the jobId in the header to fetch the predictions.

Real-Time Prediction

Interacting with the Real-Time Prediction endpoint is similar to the interaction with the Create Prediction and Results endpoint described above. The difference is that the client provides the forecast for each stock item in the request payload, and that results are returned in real-time after a few seconds.

Step-by-step instructions: Real-Time Prediction

  1. Determine the tenant and dataset(s) to create predictions for.
  2. Create the parametersArray with parameters for each dataset - now with the forecast values.
  3. Send a POST request to /real_time_prediction following the schema in the API reference. - The endpoint returns the results.

Error Messages

Error CodeError messageActionExample
SUCCESSTraining succeeded.Job succeeded.
NO_DATANo data has been uploaded for the dataset.Check that data has been uploaded for the dataset.
INSUFFICIENT_DATAInsufficient data for the prediction.Check that the dataset has enough data for the prediction.
NO_MODELModel missing for dataset.Check that training has been run for the dataset.
INVALID_MODELModel is invalid or not found - retry training and prediction.Check that the model is valid and retrain if needed.
INVALID_INVENTORY_ORDERSInventory order date is invalid or not in the future.Check that the inventory orders have valid dates.
FUTURE_SALES_ORDERSales order date is invalid or not in the future.Check that the futureSalesOrders have valid date formats YYYY-MM-DD and that they are on or after the current date. Consider changing freezeDate if given.futureSalesOrders: [{ "departureDate": "2024-15-22",
"quantity": 5.0}]
INVALID_FREEZE_DATEFreeze date is invalid or in the future.Check that the freeze date is valid has a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD and that it is not after the current date. Freeze date should be use only if you want to make predictions in the past.freezeDate = 2022-01-32 or
freezeDate = 2072-01-31
INVALID_MIN_MAX_INVENTORYMin inventory is greater than max inventory.Check that the minInventory is less than the maxInventory.minInventory=100,
maxInventory= 75
PP_EXCEEDS_HORIZONLength of planning period + one frequency length exceeds forecast horizonTo fix this, either decrease the length of the planning period or increase the horizon. The requirements for the relation between the two is: Length of planning period in days + 1 forecast frequency in days < horizon in days.Planning period = 6 weeks, horizon = 2 months. This gives: 6*7 + 30 = 72 which is larger than the horizon in days (60).
LT_GREATER_THAN_PPLead time is greater than or equal to planning periodThe planning period has to be strictly larger than the lead time. Increase the planning period or decrease the lead time.leadTime = {"value": 3, "granularity": "W"},
planningPeriod= {"value": 20, "granularity": "D"}
Specifically for forecast in the real-time prediction
FORECAST_DATE_INVALIDForecast date is invalid or not in the future.Check that the forecast objects have valid date formats YYYY-MM-DD and that they are on or after the current date. Consider changing the freezeDate if given."forecast": [{ "date": "1921-03-08", "predictedQuantity": 50.0,},
{"date": "2023-03-81", "predictedQuantity": 10.0,}]
FORECAST_INVALID_FREQUENCYForecast does not match a frequencyCheck that the forecast follow a frequency. This can be one datapoint per day, per week or per month."forecast": [
{"date": "2024-03-08", "predictedQuantity": 50.0,},
{"date": "2024-03-11", "predictedQuantity": 10.0,}]
FORECAST_WRONG_FREQUENCYForecast frequency does not match frequency from modelThe most recently trained model for this datasetId does not have the same frequency as the forecast provided. These need to be aligned.Model is trained weekly while
"forecast": [
{"date": "2024-03-31", "predictedQuantity": 50.0,},
{"date": "2024-04-30", "predictedQuantity": 10.0,}]
FORECAST_TOO_SHORTForecast is too short, the planning period exceeds the end of the forecastThe forecast does not cover the full planning period. To fix this, decrease the length of the planning period or increase the forecast.Planning period is 28 days while
"forecast": [
{"date": "2024-04-17", "predictedQuantity": 50.0,},
{"date": "2024-04-24", "predictedQuantity": 10.0,}]
FORECAST_TOO_FAR_IN_FUTUREForecast is too far in the future, there is no forecast for the planning periodThe given forecast is too far in the future. Check that this is right, and consider changing the freezeDate if given."forecast": [
{"date": "2065-04-30", "predictedQuantity": 50.0,},
{"date": "2065-05-31", "predictedQuantity": 10.0,}]